Blueberry Pitaya Smoothie Bites

In Recipes, Smoothies by Live Pure Jenna

Hello! I use WordPress here on my blog and have recently discovered there is a WordPress App for the iPhone. That just made my life so much easier to keep everyone in the loop with my recipes and spiritual messages I write through my Instagram. I will be adding more postings on here and I’m estatic that I now have a way of combinating all my work into one place. Thank you for all the love and support dear ones! Here are some insanely delicious Blueberry Pitaya Smoothie Bites for you to enjoy!


  • 1/2 Cup Mulberries
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Bean Powder
  • 6 Dates
  • 6 Bananas
  • 1 Packet of @pitayaplus
  • 1/2 Cup Blueberries
  1. For the crust, pulse 4 of the dates, mulberries and vanilla in a food processor until everything crumbles together.
  2. Fill the bottoms of the cupcake holders.
  3. In a blender, add only 3 bananas and the remaining ingredients and blend until smoothie.
  4. Add the layer to the crust.
  5. Save a little bit of the pink layer mixture and all 3 bananas to the blender (do not rinse out the blender).
  6. Blend until smooth and carefully add this layer with a spoon.  You’ll have some left over, drink it 😉
  7. Place into the freezer until frozen. Once frozen they will take about 10 or so minutes to defrost. I topped mine with crushed raw freeze dried blueberries and I bet some drizzled raw almond butter would taste awesome!  ENJOY! Xx

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