Healing Green Juice

In Juices, Recipes by Live Pure Jenna

Strong healing juice for yo’ body. This juice has a celery base (a natural diuretic) with dandelion greens, lemons, apples and ginger. All great for the lymphatic system flushing out toxins, cleaning the blood, organs and cell tissues. They contain detoxifying, alkaline properties to aid the body to come back to balance. These powerful ingredients are loaded with beta carotene, flavonoids, phytonutrients and antioxidants that can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and, help with the digestive system. This is one juice you definitely wants to keep in your rotation ❤


  • 1 head of Celery
  • 1/2-1 bunch of Dandelion Greens
  • 5 Apples
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Thumb of Ginger
  1. Juice all ingredients beginning with the ginger then rotating between the greens, celery, apples and ending with the lemon.  Once juiced, strain the liquid, and drink immediately.  If you have a slow juicer, you can refrigerate your juice up to 24 hours.  ENJOY!! Xx

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Strong healing juice for yo’ body. This juice has a celery base (a natural diuretic) with dandelion greens, lemons, apples and ginger. All great for the lymphatic system flushing out toxins, cleaning the blood, organs and cell tissues. They contain detoxifying, alkaline properties to aid the body to come back to balance. These powerful ingredients are loaded with beta carotene, flavonoids, phytonutrients and antioxidants that can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and, help with the digestive system. This is one juice you definitely wants to keep in your rotation ❤


  • 1 head of Celery
  • 1/2-1 bunch of Dandelion Greens
  • 5 Apples
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Thumb of Ginger
  1. Juice all ingredients beginning with the ginger then rotating between the greens, celery, apples and ending with the lemon.  Once juiced, strain the liquid, and drink immediately.  If you have a slow juicer, you can refrigerate your juice up to 24 hours.  ENJOY!! Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!

Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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