Juice RX Review

In Lifestyle, Reviews & Giveaways by Live Pure Jenna


I recently had the pleasure of trying the 3-day juice cleanse from JuiceRx, and it was a great experience!  Juice cleanses are an excellent way to give your digestive system a break from using energy to break down food.  By saving energy,  your body can focus on other areas that may need healing and restoration.  This is done using the nutrient dense vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients extracted from the plants.  In my personal opinion, a three day cleanse is not enough for full detoxification because most of our bodies have been abused and accumulated a significant amount toxins throughout the years from medications, vaccines, processed foods, non-organic produce, plastics, and so on.  I don’t even believe a seven day cleanse will fully detoxify us, it can take many years to offset the harm caused by the toxins built up in our tissues, even in our bones!

However, a 3-7 day cleanse is beneficial because it sets our body in motion to start flushing out simple toxins and other harmful elements.  Many people experience detox symptoms (like headache, fatigue, flu-like symptoms and nausea) from juice cleanses by the second or third day.  Before starting a cleanse, it’s important to prepare the body and stay away from animal products as they can intensify your detox symptoms.  A cleanse is a way to restart your body, so go into it with the intention of creating a healthier lifestyle and eating habits once the cleanse is completed.  Cleanses allow us to reflect on our diets, and give our body space so it can efficiently eliminate toxins, mucous and waste.  It can show you how to empower yourself and help avoid putting these toxins back in your body again.

JuiceRx comes in over twenty delicious juice favors that have been formulated to “target and detoxify specific organs down to the cellular level.”  The produce is juiced using a unique a hydraulic presssystem (which is different than a pressure system that is designed to increase the shelf life of food) that applies 5,000 pounds of pressure and delivers 3 to 5 times more nutrition than other juicing techniques.  There are over 50 lbs. worth of fruits and vegetable nutrients delivered in a 3-day cleanse!  (Imagine trying to eat that many fruits and veggies in three days).  This juicing method is the same method that is recommended for people using Gerson Therapy.  Each juice contains hand picked organic produce, so you can feel confident you are getting the highest quality.  All the juice is mixed by hand, then bottled in BPA-free bottles, and shipped overnight to guarantee freshness!  The JuiceRx also provides some great cleansing tips here to help you prepare for before, during, and after your cleanse.

The 3-day juice cleanse comes with six 16 oz. juices for each day. There are four different cleanse options to choose from, depending on what you’re looking for. They offer the Regular Cleanse, which has more fruit-based options, the Green Cleanse, the Extreme Green Cleanse and the Custom Cleanse. The Regular and Green come with a nut drink as your last drink of the day. Adding a fatty drink at the end of day can help slow down the detox symptoms, and is helpful for those who never experienced a detox. Sometimes people can detox too quickly leaving them feeling sick and sluggish, but by adding a nut drink can help your body adjust at a better pace. It also gives you a nice filling sensation as your last meal. The Extreme Green Cleanse is a more intense, and highly alkalizing due to the amount of Sunflower Sprouts. The Custom Cleanse is just that — here, you can custom choose which juices you want as part of the cleanse. What I loved about the JuiceRx was how light and airy all juices are. You never feel like you were drinking a heavy green juice, they tasted very clean and crispy. For my cleanse, I went with one Regular Cleanse and two of the Green Cleanse with a nut milk substitute. The only reason I didn’t try the Extreme Green Cleanse was because it includes only four different flavors as oppose to six for the other daily options, and I wanted to try the different flavors.

The first day of the cleanse, I opted to do the Green Cleanse (without the nut milk).  I began my morning with my own vitamin water made of just lemon and water.  It is very important to drink water before, during, and after your juices to stay hydrated.  The more water you consume, the easier it will be for your body to flush out toxins.  My first juice was the Gingerade, which literally tasted like a savory ginger lemon juice with a splash of Vermont maple syrup.  I can’t even remember the last time I had maple syrup, it must be almost two years!  Lots of raw gourmet foodies use maple syrup and stevia (which I don’t normally consume), but drinking a splash of it in a juice for a cleanse is fine and I knew it wouldn’t have a negative impact on my health.  The juice was quite delicious and I just loved the kick of ginger.  Although I’m one of those people who enjoys eating slivers of ginger, I promise that the ginger flavor in this juice isn’t too overpowering, it was a perfect blend.

I had a chance to relax the whole day which is very important to do when doing any sort of cleanse.  If one is too active, you exert the energy you want to keep that allows your body to release toxins, flush them out, and heal your body. Juice #2 was the Green Glow juice that had an amazing light cucumber, green apple, lemon flavor with a hint of ginger.  Drink #3 was the Liquid Lunchbox which was amazzzzing!  It had romaine lettuce, cucumber, pear, ginger and saigon cinnamon.  The pear and cinnamon combined perfectly and I will definitely give this one a shot of my own!  Next I moved onto the Green Lemon Twist which had a fantastic lemon apple flavor.   Lemon is great for aiding in detoxing and balancing out your pH levels so always feel free to add a freshly juiced lemon to any juice.  I’ve grown accustom to doing juice cleanses, so I was feeling great and energized by my 5th juice, The Evening Green, it was sooooo good!  You could actually taste all the fruits and vegetables in it individually, like many of their other juices.  It was cucumber, pear, celery, green apple, kale, cilantro and lemon.  I am a huge celery and cilantro girl!  Celery is great to add a sodium in your diet and helps curb a salty craving and the cilantro is excellent in helping pull out heavy metals.  The last juice of the day was the B+ (Be Positive) which I pretty much devoured in 30 seconds.  It’s just composed of water from a young coconut and romaine lettuce which are two of my favorite things 😉  I went to bed feeling fresh, satisfied and peaceful.  I recommend spacing out the juices every 2 hours so you don’t start to get hungry.  If you do feel hungry before your next juice, drink lots of water as recommended above.

The next day I did woke up feeling energized and ready for the day. I actually had 5 separate photoshoots to do for clients so I packed my other Green Cleanse juices in an ice cooler with me, started the day off with a lemon and water, then had the Gingerade. My first session was at 8:45PMand was done by 2:30AM. In between sessions I drank water, the Green Glow which had much more funnel flavor in it then the precious days over, it was super good and I had the Liquid Lunch. I actually wasn’t all that hungry as my adrenal was taking over as I was having fun working with clients. After my shoots, I quickly took a shower and went off to my Mommom’s birthday dinner and bought my Green Lemon Twist and The Evening Green juice with me. I had the waiter bring over an ice bucket for my juices 😉 I got home at around 9, relaxed and read for a bit and drank my last juice of the day which was just water from a young coconut, yummy! I was def tired and ready for bed after having such a jam packed day. I felt great on day two but I was really craving some fruits! As many of you know, my diet is high fruit, so I was missing the sweet, juicy candy from my diet.
The 3rd and finally day of the cleanse I woke up early feeling well rested and super duper excited to start the Regular Cleanse because it had a fruit drink and another new flavor. It was so refreshing to have fruit after 2 days of just green juice. It started off with the Gingerade and for my 2nd juice, was the Kiwi Berry Cooler and it was like a piece of heaven! It contained oranges, strawberries, kiwi and lemongrass which is an ingredients I never thought of juicing . . . genius! I was in pure bliss drinking this juice as the acid fruits blended so beautifully together with a note of lemongrass! My 3rd juice was the Rejuva Root juice containing carrot, apple, beet, zucchini, celery, lemon and ginger. Carrot and beets have wonderful natural sugars in them that made the juice sweet and safsatisfying. Beet juice is very powerful because it contains strong antioxidants and has anti inflammatory properties. If you aren’t used to eating beets, be prepared to feel a rumbling in your tummy. Like i mentioned above it is a powerful detoxer! My last three juices were the Green Lemon Twist, The Evening Green and Green Glow. I also had the Pumpkin Spice Milk that was mind blowing! I loved the sweet, smooth texture with the spice of nutmeg, ginger, clove, and korintje cinnamon . . one of my favorite juices, another one I will try to recreate. My overall experience on this particular juice cleanse was great! My skin glowed, I didn’t encounter any detox symtpoms, had great energy, and slept peacefully. The juices were super enjoyable with great flavors and top of the line quality. As a thank you for your love and support… Juice RX is offering my readers an amazon 15% off all orders by using LIVEPURE15. This is a very rare promo code as they never go above 10%. The company also carries exrlirs and raw foods! Don’t forget to stop by and check out all their flavors! http://www.drinkjuicerx.com/

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Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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I recently had the pleasure of trying the 3-day juice cleanse from JuiceRx, and it was a great experience!  Juice cleanses are an excellent way to give your digestive system a break from using energy to break down food.  By saving energy,  your body can focus on other areas that may need healing and restoration.  This is done using the nutrient dense vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients extracted from the plants.  In my personal opinion, a three day cleanse is not enough for full detoxification because most of our bodies have been abused and accumulated a significant amount toxins throughout the years from medications, vaccines, processed foods, non-organic produce, plastics, and so on.  I don’t even believe a seven day cleanse will fully detoxify us, it can take many years to offset the harm caused by the toxins built up in our tissues, even in our bones!

However, a 3-7 day cleanse is beneficial because it sets our body in motion to start flushing out simple toxins and other harmful elements.  Many people experience detox symptoms (like headache, fatigue, flu-like symptoms and nausea) from juice cleanses by the second or third day.  Before starting a cleanse, it’s important to prepare the body and stay away from animal products as they can intensify your detox symptoms.  A cleanse is a way to restart your body, so go into it with the intention of creating a healthier lifestyle and eating habits once the cleanse is completed.  Cleanses allow us to reflect on our diets, and give our body space so it can efficiently eliminate toxins, mucous and waste.  It can show you how to empower yourself and help avoid putting these toxins back in your body again.

JuiceRx comes in over twenty delicious juice favors that have been formulated to “target and detoxify specific organs down to the cellular level.”  The produce is juiced using a unique a hydraulic presssystem (which is different than a pressure system that is designed to increase the shelf life of food) that applies 5,000 pounds of pressure and delivers 3 to 5 times more nutrition than other juicing techniques.  There are over 50 lbs. worth of fruits and vegetable nutrients delivered in a 3-day cleanse!  (Imagine trying to eat that many fruits and veggies in three days).  This juicing method is the same method that is recommended for people using Gerson Therapy.  Each juice contains hand picked organic produce, so you can feel confident you are getting the highest quality.  All the juice is mixed by hand, then bottled in BPA-free bottles, and shipped overnight to guarantee freshness!  The JuiceRx also provides some great cleansing tips here to help you prepare for before, during, and after your cleanse.

The 3-day juice cleanse comes with six 16 oz. juices for each day. There are four different cleanse options to choose from, depending on what you’re looking for. They offer the Regular Cleanse, which has more fruit-based options, the Green Cleanse, the Extreme Green Cleanse and the Custom Cleanse. The Regular and Green come with a nut drink as your last drink of the day. Adding a fatty drink at the end of day can help slow down the detox symptoms, and is helpful for those who never experienced a detox. Sometimes people can detox too quickly leaving them feeling sick and sluggish, but by adding a nut drink can help your body adjust at a better pace. It also gives you a nice filling sensation as your last meal. The Extreme Green Cleanse is a more intense, and highly alkalizing due to the amount of Sunflower Sprouts. The Custom Cleanse is just that — here, you can custom choose which juices you want as part of the cleanse. What I loved about the JuiceRx was how light and airy all juices are. You never feel like you were drinking a heavy green juice, they tasted very clean and crispy. For my cleanse, I went with one Regular Cleanse and two of the Green Cleanse with a nut milk substitute. The only reason I didn’t try the Extreme Green Cleanse was because it includes only four different flavors as oppose to six for the other daily options, and I wanted to try the different flavors.

The first day of the cleanse, I opted to do the Green Cleanse (without the nut milk).  I began my morning with my own vitamin water made of just lemon and water.  It is very important to drink water before, during, and after your juices to stay hydrated.  The more water you consume, the easier it will be for your body to flush out toxins.  My first juice was the Gingerade, which literally tasted like a savory ginger lemon juice with a splash of Vermont maple syrup.  I can’t even remember the last time I had maple syrup, it must be almost two years!  Lots of raw gourmet foodies use maple syrup and stevia (which I don’t normally consume), but drinking a splash of it in a juice for a cleanse is fine and I knew it wouldn’t have a negative impact on my health.  The juice was quite delicious and I just loved the kick of ginger.  Although I’m one of those people who enjoys eating slivers of ginger, I promise that the ginger flavor in this juice isn’t too overpowering, it was a perfect blend.

I had a chance to relax the whole day which is very important to do when doing any sort of cleanse.  If one is too active, you exert the energy you want to keep that allows your body to release toxins, flush them out, and heal your body. Juice #2 was the Green Glow juice that had an amazing light cucumber, green apple, lemon flavor with a hint of ginger.  Drink #3 was the Liquid Lunchbox which was amazzzzing!  It had romaine lettuce, cucumber, pear, ginger and saigon cinnamon.  The pear and cinnamon combined perfectly and I will definitely give this one a shot of my own!  Next I moved onto the Green Lemon Twist which had a fantastic lemon apple flavor.   Lemon is great for aiding in detoxing and balancing out your pH levels so always feel free to add a freshly juiced lemon to any juice.  I’ve grown accustom to doing juice cleanses, so I was feeling great and energized by my 5th juice, The Evening Green, it was sooooo good!  You could actually taste all the fruits and vegetables in it individually, like many of their other juices.  It was cucumber, pear, celery, green apple, kale, cilantro and lemon.  I am a huge celery and cilantro girl!  Celery is great to add a sodium in your diet and helps curb a salty craving and the cilantro is excellent in helping pull out heavy metals.  The last juice of the day was the B+ (Be Positive) which I pretty much devoured in 30 seconds.  It’s just composed of water from a young coconut and romaine lettuce which are two of my favorite things 😉  I went to bed feeling fresh, satisfied and peaceful.  I recommend spacing out the juices every 2 hours so you don’t start to get hungry.  If you do feel hungry before your next juice, drink lots of water as recommended above.

The next day I did woke up feeling energized and ready for the day. I actually had 5 separate photoshoots to do for clients so I packed my other Green Cleanse juices in an ice cooler with me, started the day off with a lemon and water, then had the Gingerade. My first session was at 8:45PMand was done by 2:30AM. In between sessions I drank water, the Green Glow which had much more funnel flavor in it then the precious days over, it was super good and I had the Liquid Lunch. I actually wasn’t all that hungry as my adrenal was taking over as I was having fun working with clients. After my shoots, I quickly took a shower and went off to my Mommom’s birthday dinner and bought my Green Lemon Twist and The Evening Green juice with me. I had the waiter bring over an ice bucket for my juices 😉 I got home at around 9, relaxed and read for a bit and drank my last juice of the day which was just water from a young coconut, yummy! I was def tired and ready for bed after having such a jam packed day. I felt great on day two but I was really craving some fruits! As many of you know, my diet is high fruit, so I was missing the sweet, juicy candy from my diet.
The 3rd and finally day of the cleanse I woke up early feeling well rested and super duper excited to start the Regular Cleanse because it had a fruit drink and another new flavor. It was so refreshing to have fruit after 2 days of just green juice. It started off with the Gingerade and for my 2nd juice, was the Kiwi Berry Cooler and it was like a piece of heaven! It contained oranges, strawberries, kiwi and lemongrass which is an ingredients I never thought of juicing . . . genius! I was in pure bliss drinking this juice as the acid fruits blended so beautifully together with a note of lemongrass! My 3rd juice was the Rejuva Root juice containing carrot, apple, beet, zucchini, celery, lemon and ginger. Carrot and beets have wonderful natural sugars in them that made the juice sweet and safsatisfying. Beet juice is very powerful because it contains strong antioxidants and has anti inflammatory properties. If you aren’t used to eating beets, be prepared to feel a rumbling in your tummy. Like i mentioned above it is a powerful detoxer! My last three juices were the Green Lemon Twist, The Evening Green and Green Glow. I also had the Pumpkin Spice Milk that was mind blowing! I loved the sweet, smooth texture with the spice of nutmeg, ginger, clove, and korintje cinnamon . . one of my favorite juices, another one I will try to recreate. My overall experience on this particular juice cleanse was great! My skin glowed, I didn’t encounter any detox symtpoms, had great energy, and slept peacefully. The juices were super enjoyable with great flavors and top of the line quality. As a thank you for your love and support… Juice RX is offering my readers an amazon 15% off all orders by using LIVEPURE15. This is a very rare promo code as they never go above 10%. The company also carries exrlirs and raw foods! Don’t forget to stop by and check out all their flavors! http://www.drinkjuicerx.com/

Welcome To Live Pure!

Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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