Serves 1-2
- 2 Cups Kale (chopped)
- 2 Frozen Bananas
- 2 Cups Coconut Water
- 1 1/2 Cups Frozen Pineapple (chopped)
- 1 Pink Pearl Apple (chopped, any apple will do)
- 1 Pear (chopped)
- Blend everything together in a high speed blender and ENJOY!!Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!
Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.
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Serves 1-2
- 2 Cups Kale (chopped)
- 2 Frozen Bananas
- 2 Cups Coconut Water
- 1 1/2 Cups Frozen Pineapple (chopped)
- 1 Pink Pearl Apple (chopped, any apple will do)
- 1 Pear (chopped)
- Blend everything together in a high speed blender and ENJOY!!Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!
Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.
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