Rainbow Ice Cream (Bonus: Marble Ice Cream Cake)

In Recipes, Treats by Live Pure Jenna

Wow, these past couple months have been moving by so quickly for me! I feel like I blink weeks have gone by. Time seems to be rapidly speeding up as my weekends have been jammed pack with non-stop long distance traveling and family events. It’s been really fun and wonderful to connect deeper with friends and family but I am so ready to have some free time to myself. Being able to stay present with myself, the people I’m with and embracing my environment has incredibly grounding. Just by breathing in the air and saying, “Thank you” is humbling and centering for me. I think it’s so important we all give thanks and becgrateful on a daily basis. Just being able to be here on this planet is a gift. There is magic everywhere!

This recipe was inspired last week by a beautiful rainbow I saw earlier that day. It’s been rainy (I actually really enjoy the rain because it purifies everything it touches) here on the East Coast the last couple of weeks but I’ve also been seeing so many beautiful rainbows! They always remind me of the crystalline light within all of us!

The flavor combo of this recipe is absolutely outstanding and it is just pure, sweet, juicy fruit and 1 teaspoon of spirulina. Nature is so loving and giving! So blessed we are!


  • 5 Frozen Bananas
  • 6 Strawberries (cut)
  • 2 Mangoes (diced)
  • 1 Pineapple (diced)
  • 2 Teaspoons of Hawaiian Spirulina
  • 4 oz Blackberries
  • 10 oz Frozen Wild Blueberries (allow to slightly defrost)
  1. In a high speed blender or food processor (I like using the food processor), blend bananas until creamy.
  2. Spilt the ice cream evenly into 3 small bowls.
  3. Add one bowl of ice cream back into the blender/food processor along with strawberries.  Blend, place back into the bowl and into the freezer.  Rinse the food processor.
  4. Repeat Step 3 with the mangoes.
  5. Repeat Step 3 with the blackberries.
  6. Blend just the pineapple and mix in Hawaiian Spirulina, place into freezer.
  7. Blend just the wild blueberries, place in a small bowl and place into the freezer.
  8. Once the ice cream begin to freeze, you can start layering them into the jars.  I used a 1 liter mason jar and a 1/2 liter mason jar.  I also used an ice cream scooper to top the jars off with the wild blueberries.

** To make the Marble Cake,  I lined a small cake tray with parchment paper, flipped over the 1 liter jar in the tray and smoothed flat with a spatular.  Next I stuck it in the freezer until frozen and voilà!


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Wow, these past couple months have been moving by so quickly for me! I feel like I blink weeks have gone by. Time seems to be rapidly speeding up as my weekends have been jammed pack with non-stop long distance traveling and family events. It’s been really fun and wonderful to connect deeper with friends and family but I am so ready to have some free time to myself. Being able to stay present with myself, the people I’m with and embracing my environment has incredibly grounding. Just by breathing in the air and saying, “Thank you” is humbling and centering for me. I think it’s so important we all give thanks and becgrateful on a daily basis. Just being able to be here on this planet is a gift. There is magic everywhere!

This recipe was inspired last week by a beautiful rainbow I saw earlier that day. It’s been rainy (I actually really enjoy the rain because it purifies everything it touches) here on the East Coast the last couple of weeks but I’ve also been seeing so many beautiful rainbows! They always remind me of the crystalline light within all of us!

The flavor combo of this recipe is absolutely outstanding and it is just pure, sweet, juicy fruit and 1 teaspoon of spirulina. Nature is so loving and giving! So blessed we are!


  • 5 Frozen Bananas
  • 6 Strawberries (cut)
  • 2 Mangoes (diced)
  • 1 Pineapple (diced)
  • 2 Teaspoons of Hawaiian Spirulina
  • 4 oz Blackberries
  • 10 oz Frozen Wild Blueberries (allow to slightly defrost)
  1. In a high speed blender or food processor (I like using the food processor), blend bananas until creamy.
  2. Spilt the ice cream evenly into 3 small bowls.
  3. Add one bowl of ice cream back into the blender/food processor along with strawberries.  Blend, place back into the bowl and into the freezer.  Rinse the food processor.
  4. Repeat Step 3 with the mangoes.
  5. Repeat Step 3 with the blackberries.
  6. Blend just the pineapple and mix in Hawaiian Spirulina, place into freezer.
  7. Blend just the wild blueberries, place in a small bowl and place into the freezer.
  8. Once the ice cream begin to freeze, you can start layering them into the jars.  I used a 1 liter mason jar and a 1/2 liter mason jar.  I also used an ice cream scooper to top the jars off with the wild blueberries.

** To make the Marble Cake,  I lined a small cake tray with parchment paper, flipped over the 1 liter jar in the tray and smoothed flat with a spatular.  Next I stuck it in the freezer until frozen and voilà!


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Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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