Rainbow Wraps with Tomatillo Sauce

In Appetizers & Entrees, Recipes by Live Pure Jenna


I love getting together with other raw foodie friends, the conversations are filled with so much love and honesty.  Things can get beautifully deep, fun and lighthearted while we live with the total presence of the now.  But sometimes we can’t deny the things that come up, like what the average person consumes and the dangerous ramifications the food industry and humans have on the planet.  Bagged this and bagged that, boxes, plastics, papers… It’s crazy what some people eat as “food.”  Have you ever looked at the ingredients of items that come from the mentioned above?  FAT, SALT, SUGAR and Ingredients that you need to decipher.  They are made up of chemicals that can actually alter your brain chemistry.  These “foods” do nothing to help your body get the pure nutrients it needs to thrive and work at optimal potential.  It is CRAP that will chemically change your body at the cellular level.  We are all made out of chemicals and minerals. elements all down to our basic core…. everything is all the same.  The reactions our bodies have to things we ingest absolutely and directly have an effect of how the body performs and its efficiency.

Anyway…. back to what I was saying 😉  Everywhere we go, we see people eating this so called “food” and sometimes we reminisce about all the foods we use to eat and especially lunch time!  Sometimes you see all these sandwiches everywhere, you just want a nice sandwich for lunch!  Sandwiches taste absolutely delicious but are they good for you?  Mehh no.  Sandwiches or things on breads, doughs, tortillas or anything involving flour or paste don’t do anything for your body and is what lunch would look like in the typical American diet.  It’s not real food, don’t kid yourself.  It’s just empty calories to fill your belly because it needs energy and makes your stomach expand to feel full.

These rainbow wraps will absolutely satisfy your sandwich needs, without the regret!  Your body is a temple that you build from the inside on many dimensions.  These wraps will feed you and your soul with LIFE!  When you eat the rainbow, you truly ingest the alphabet of nutrients you need.  Variety is key to sustaining your body’s needs on a cellular and molecular level.  When you feed your body substance, you are honoring your body, caring for it, loving it, thanking it and appreciating it for all the wonderful things it allows you to do on a daily basis.  This is a gift of life that you can give to yourself!  You own this body and it is your duty to help it thrive so you can live your life purpose.  This is high vibrational food and the more you eat it, the more your doors open to oneness on the many different planes.  Eat foods that love you back!

You can put anything in these wraps.  The more nostalgic combinations you make, the more likely you will continue to try more raw meals.  I found that recreating your past-time favorite foods as a raw version is by far the easiest way to transition into a raw food diet.

One more thing about this dish, the sauce is amazing!  Who doesn’t like a good sauce?  My brother is a HUGE sauce guy, he orders extra sauce on the side for pretty much everything.  A good sauce can be a game changer.   The tomatillo/avocado/zucchini combo with the garlic and scallions is undeniably good.  And without further adieu, here is the recipe!


Yields 4-6 wraps


  • 2 Tomatillos
  • 2 Green Scallions
  • 1 Tablespoon Fresh Lime Juice (usually 1/2 lime)
  • 1/2 Cup Zucchini  (chopped)
  • 1/2 Avocado
  1. Blend all ingredients until creamy in a blender.


  • 4 Large Collard Greens or 6 Small Collard Greens
  1. Make sure you wash the greens very well.  (I use apple cider vinegar mixed with water as a veggie wash).
  2. Flip the collard green over so that the stem is sticking up.
  3. With a sharp, small knife, cut back from the base of stem to where it meets the leaf.  Make sure you do not cut through to the other side.  As the stem gets slimmer towards the top, you don’t need to worry about cutting it as much.


  • 4 Carrots
  • 1 Red Beet
  • 1 Yellow Beet
  • 1/2 Red Bell Pepper (sliced)
  • 1/2 Small Red Onion (sliced)
  • Cilantro (as much as your heart desires, I like LOTS!  Great for cleansing and purifying your body)

*** Like I mentioned above, you can putting ANYTHING in these wraps just keep in mind what is in the sauce for flavors.)

  1. Peel carrots and beets and put through the food processor with the shredder blade.  It you don’t have one, you can use a grater for this.
  2. Take your collard green and lay it the same way you cut it.
  3. Spread on the sauce in the middle of the wrap then add your fillings at any ratio your prefer.
  4. Once filled, tuck in the side towards the middle and grab the bottom on the wrap tucking and rolling to the end.
  5. Slice diagonally if desired and ENJOY! Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!

Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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I love getting together with other raw foodie friends, the conversations are filled with so much love and honesty.  Things can get beautifully deep, fun and lighthearted while we live with the total presence of the now.  But sometimes we can’t deny the things that come up, like what the average person consumes and the dangerous ramifications the food industry and humans have on the planet.  Bagged this and bagged that, boxes, plastics, papers… It’s crazy what some people eat as “food.”  Have you ever looked at the ingredients of items that come from the mentioned above?  FAT, SALT, SUGAR and Ingredients that you need to decipher.  They are made up of chemicals that can actually alter your brain chemistry.  These “foods” do nothing to help your body get the pure nutrients it needs to thrive and work at optimal potential.  It is CRAP that will chemically change your body at the cellular level.  We are all made out of chemicals and minerals. elements all down to our basic core…. everything is all the same.  The reactions our bodies have to things we ingest absolutely and directly have an effect of how the body performs and its efficiency.

Anyway…. back to what I was saying 😉  Everywhere we go, we see people eating this so called “food” and sometimes we reminisce about all the foods we use to eat and especially lunch time!  Sometimes you see all these sandwiches everywhere, you just want a nice sandwich for lunch!  Sandwiches taste absolutely delicious but are they good for you?  Mehh no.  Sandwiches or things on breads, doughs, tortillas or anything involving flour or paste don’t do anything for your body and is what lunch would look like in the typical American diet.  It’s not real food, don’t kid yourself.  It’s just empty calories to fill your belly because it needs energy and makes your stomach expand to feel full.

These rainbow wraps will absolutely satisfy your sandwich needs, without the regret!  Your body is a temple that you build from the inside on many dimensions.  These wraps will feed you and your soul with LIFE!  When you eat the rainbow, you truly ingest the alphabet of nutrients you need.  Variety is key to sustaining your body’s needs on a cellular and molecular level.  When you feed your body substance, you are honoring your body, caring for it, loving it, thanking it and appreciating it for all the wonderful things it allows you to do on a daily basis.  This is a gift of life that you can give to yourself!  You own this body and it is your duty to help it thrive so you can live your life purpose.  This is high vibrational food and the more you eat it, the more your doors open to oneness on the many different planes.  Eat foods that love you back!

You can put anything in these wraps.  The more nostalgic combinations you make, the more likely you will continue to try more raw meals.  I found that recreating your past-time favorite foods as a raw version is by far the easiest way to transition into a raw food diet.

One more thing about this dish, the sauce is amazing!  Who doesn’t like a good sauce?  My brother is a HUGE sauce guy, he orders extra sauce on the side for pretty much everything.  A good sauce can be a game changer.   The tomatillo/avocado/zucchini combo with the garlic and scallions is undeniably good.  And without further adieu, here is the recipe!


Yields 4-6 wraps


  • 2 Tomatillos
  • 2 Green Scallions
  • 1 Tablespoon Fresh Lime Juice (usually 1/2 lime)
  • 1/2 Cup Zucchini  (chopped)
  • 1/2 Avocado
  1. Blend all ingredients until creamy in a blender.


  • 4 Large Collard Greens or 6 Small Collard Greens
  1. Make sure you wash the greens very well.  (I use apple cider vinegar mixed with water as a veggie wash).
  2. Flip the collard green over so that the stem is sticking up.
  3. With a sharp, small knife, cut back from the base of stem to where it meets the leaf.  Make sure you do not cut through to the other side.  As the stem gets slimmer towards the top, you don’t need to worry about cutting it as much.


  • 4 Carrots
  • 1 Red Beet
  • 1 Yellow Beet
  • 1/2 Red Bell Pepper (sliced)
  • 1/2 Small Red Onion (sliced)
  • Cilantro (as much as your heart desires, I like LOTS!  Great for cleansing and purifying your body)

*** Like I mentioned above, you can putting ANYTHING in these wraps just keep in mind what is in the sauce for flavors.)

  1. Peel carrots and beets and put through the food processor with the shredder blade.  It you don’t have one, you can use a grater for this.
  2. Take your collard green and lay it the same way you cut it.
  3. Spread on the sauce in the middle of the wrap then add your fillings at any ratio your prefer.
  4. Once filled, tuck in the side towards the middle and grab the bottom on the wrap tucking and rolling to the end.
  5. Slice diagonally if desired and ENJOY! Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!

Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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