Raw Tomato Sauce With Zucchini “Pasta”

In Appetizers & Entrees, Recipes by Live Pure Jenna

Zucchini pasta is an amazing way to get your body feeling fresh and energized! I was so excited when my vegetable spiralizer came in the mail and quickly went to work in creating a raw tomato sauce for my “pasta.” In order to keep the Italian tradition alive when making the raw sauce, I incorporated the same herbs that I use when making my cooked sauce. Those herbs help capture those traditional Italian flavors that I grew up with, while creating a healthier alternative. This recipe is very basic and delicious!



  • 3 Zucchini (ends removed and peeled if not organic)

Tomato Sauce

  • 1/2 cup Sun-dried tomatoes (soak in a cup of filtered or spring water for 20-30 minutes)
  •  3/4 – 1 cup Water from sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup Onion (diced)
  • 1/4 cup of garlic (about 4 garlic cloves)
  • 1 Small carrot
  • 1 Celery stick
  • 4 Basil leaves (fresh)
  • 1 tablespoon Oregano leaves (fresh)
  • Pink Himalayan & black pepper to taste if desired

1.  Place zucchini in vegetable spiralizer and go to work! Once done, place zucchini in a bowl and place into the refrigerator while you prepare the tomato sauce.

2.  Place all sauce ingredients (expect water from sun-dried tomatoes) into food processor and process until texture is to your liking.  You may have to open the food processor and scrap down the sides a few times.  Add water as you go, the more water you add, the thinner  your sauce will be.

When sauce is complete, place on top of zucchini and ENJOY! Xx


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