The Green Refresher

In Juices, Recipes by Live Pure Jenna

Looking for a morning pick me up to put you in a great, energizing mood? This delicious green juice is calling your name! It is packed with Vitamins K, C, A, B6 and folate and rich in copper, manganese, and magnesium. Believe or not, this juice has about 19 grams of protein. When eating a high carb, low-fat raw vega diet, it’s easy get all your protein needs from plants. It is recommended to eat only 10% (maximum) of your daily calories of protein by the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Research Council Academies’ Institute of Medicine, the National Research Council, and Dr. Douglas Graham, author of the “80/10/10 Diet.” Too much protein in a diet can actually put your health at risk, and over-indulding has been shown to contribute different cancers, osteoporosis, liver and kidney damage, digestive issues and many more. One does not need to consume any animal products to get their everyday protein needs. Fruits and vegetables contain the perfect amount of protein to keep our bodies strong and healthy!


  • 6 Apples
  • 4 Celery Stalks
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon
  •  1/2 Head of Kale
  • 1/2 Pineapple
  • 1/2 Inch Ginger

Place all ingredients in a juicer, strain, and drink immediately!  If you have a slow juicer, you can refrigerant your juice up to 24 hours.  ENJOY!! Xx

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Looking for a morning pick me up to put you in a great, energizing mood? This delicious green juice is calling your name! It is packed with Vitamins K, C, A, B6 and folate and rich in copper, manganese, and magnesium. Believe or not, this juice has about 19 grams of protein. When eating a high carb, low-fat raw vega diet, it’s easy get all your protein needs from plants. It is recommended to eat only 10% (maximum) of your daily calories of protein by the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Research Council Academies’ Institute of Medicine, the National Research Council, and Dr. Douglas Graham, author of the “80/10/10 Diet.” Too much protein in a diet can actually put your health at risk, and over-indulding has been shown to contribute different cancers, osteoporosis, liver and kidney damage, digestive issues and many more. One does not need to consume any animal products to get their everyday protein needs. Fruits and vegetables contain the perfect amount of protein to keep our bodies strong and healthy!


  • 6 Apples
  • 4 Celery Stalks
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon
  •  1/2 Head of Kale
  • 1/2 Pineapple
  • 1/2 Inch Ginger

Place all ingredients in a juicer, strain, and drink immediately!  If you have a slow juicer, you can refrigerant your juice up to 24 hours.  ENJOY!! Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!

Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.

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