Did you know we are the only species on the planet that drinks milk from another animal? We are designed to drink our mother’s milk during the early years of our lives to nurture proper growth but, like ALL other living creatures, we too should stop consuming milk after our bodies are developed. It is no surprise lactose intolerant allergies are so …
Raw Strawberries & “Cream” Banana Flax Crepes
This was my first time making both the banana crepes and the strawberry cream, and all I kept telling myself was, “you can never go wrong with crepes!” Whether its for breakfast or a snack, these crepes are a yummy way to add some flavor to your day! They came out absolutely delicious and quickly became a favorite among my …
Raw Parsnip Sushi “Rice” With Carrots, Avocado, & Red Cabbage
I saw a raw recipe online for a carrot and parsnip salad that looked delicious so I decided to give it a try. I had never tried raw parsnips before and to be honest, the salad was a bust! So there I was with a bag of parsnips, thinking, “what in the world am I going to do with all …
Carrot Pineapple Juice With Tumeric
This carrot juice with turmeric makes a great breakfast and is a very healthy way to start off the morning! I love drinking at least 32oz of this juice to get my system flowing and flush out any toxins from my body. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant; it is best to have it raw to maximize …
Raw Cacao Chia Seed Pudding With Fruit Platter
Chia seed pudding is my “go-to” quick and easy dish to make. If you’re a fan of pudding and porridge, you will love this simple breakfast or snack! Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and fiber, and act as an anti-inflammatory. They also give you energy and help your stomach feel full for longer…helpful for those trying …
Green Machine Juice
One of my favorite greens! Kale is a rich source of carotenoid, vitamins K, A & C, and calcium. I prefer to use dinosaur kale because it is lower in oxalate acid (which interferes with the absorption of minerals) than curly kale. Don’t be scared off by the color of the juice, it’s a refreshing drink that will fill you …
Red Cabbage Celery Juice
Nothing like a fresh juice to kick start your morning! Red cabbage gets its beautiful, rich color from anthocyanin polyphenols, which is just another name for dietary antioxidants. This is the case for most fruits – the richer the color, the higher the concentration of polyphenols. Dietary antioxidants are an anti-inflammatory that help protect the body from diseases. Red cabbage …
Raw Apple Pie Ala Mode
To honor the first day of Fall here in the U.S., I wanted to make a classic, seasonal treat. What better than a scrumptious apple pie? And of course, any apple pie recipe isn’t complete without a scoop of ice cream on top! YUM! This dish is so much fun to make and really gets you in the autumn spirit! …
Raw Naruto Sushi Rolls with Carrots, Green Pepper, Celery, and Avocado
Raw sushi rolls are fun to make and so refreshing! Not to mention healthy 😀 What I love about making these is that you can stuff the cucumber rolls with any of your favorite vegetables and really make it your own! The dipping sauce is a great complement to the rolls, I highly recommend giving that a try as well. …
Carrot Juice Fuel
Juicing carrots is always a treat, and they also cleanse and restore the liver and contain a great amount of vitamin A and beta carotenes. Recipe 5 Carrots 3 Apples 2 Celery stalks 1 Lemon 1-2 inches of ginger Place all ingredients in a juicer, strain, and drink immediately! If you have a slow juicer, you can refrigerant your juice …