Today’s lunch mouth watering smoothie bowl loaded with healthy fats and proteins.
- 3 Oranges (sliced)
- 1 pint Blueberries
- 2 handfuls Mint
Place everything in a pitch overnight and taste the sweet blue moon goodness! Enjoy! Xx

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Today’s lunch mouth watering smoothie bowl loaded with healthy fats and proteins.
- 3 Frozen Bananas
- 1 cup Strawberries
- 4 Dates
- 2 Tablespoons Hemp Seeds
- 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Bean Powder
- Almond milk or water for blending.
Sliced banana, chia seeds, shredded coconut, walnuts, strawberries and fresh grounded peanut butter
- Blend all smoothie bowl ingredients together until smooth, top with toppings and ENJOY! Xx

Welcome To Live Pure!
Inspiration to keep you motivated in creating positive, self-generated changes by making healthy lifestyle choices that promote healing.
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